For British Science Week, we celebrated all things STEM with a timetable of inspiring activities and visitors.
At the beginning of the week, Years 5, 6, 7 and 8 welcomed the incredible Dr Ken Science for a fascinating and fun workshop entitled ‘It’s All Done With Mirrors’ that delved into the magic and genius of science that left the audience questioning ‘Is it magic or is it science?!’ SPOILER ALERT – It was science!!!
We, also, welcomed Mandy from The Little Story Telling Company who seamlessly interwove scientific theory into her storytelling giving children a very interactive and fun introduction to particular science experiments and concepts. Our Pre Prep, from Nursery to Year 2, enjoyed ‘The Sorcerer’s Apprentice’, with surprises and potions aplenty whilst our Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 were given a fascinating introduction to DNA in ‘A World War II Mystery’.
The STEM learning continued with Lee McCowen from Edtech Systems leading hands-on coding workshops for our Year 3 and Year 2 pupils. Year 3 used computational thinking and solved physical challenges to program Dash and Dot whilst Year 2 had huge fun using indi robots to make a colourful sequence of code that made indi move and dance!
The week was capped off with a whole school visit from comedian Ben Langley who brought his one man ‘Norwich Science Festival’ show ‘To the Moon and Back’ into School, putting the fun and laughter into space exploration and historical feats of STEM, a visit aptly timed to coincide with this year’s Red Nose Day.