Pre Prep Decades Dress Up Day
Academic Pre Prep

On the Friday before half term, our Pre Prep children celebrated a ‘Decades Dress Up Day’ with our pupils dressing up to represent one of the decades that span the 90 years since Town Close opened as a school. The children have been learning about each decade in turn as part of their Pre Prep wide topic, linking their learning in all of their lessons, inside and outside the classroom. For example, in Dance they have been celebrating the different decades of dance, dancing to a range of songs including ‘Happy Days are here again’, ‘Let’s Twist Again’ and ‘Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go’!

Throughout the day, they celebrated the decades of Town Close with a number of in class activities with the day’s celebrations culminating with a year group party with Go Awesome to celebrate 90 Years of Town Close! There was magic, dancing, balloon modelling and plenty of laughter! A fantastic way to end the first half of term!


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