Year 6 enjoy a Religious Studies trip to Walsingham
Academic Prep

Our Year 6 children ventured out to Walsingham, an international centre for Christian pilgrimage, to take part in a fascinating church trail day that saw them visit the Methodist, Roman Catholic & Orthodox Churches as well as the Anglican Shrine. A comprehensive tour of each site led by expert guides, Caroline and Pauline, gave the children a first-hand experience of the distinctive religious buildings and an insight into how the different denominations worship that will form the basis of their topic work in Religious Studies this term.  The children asked lots of thoughtful and perceptive questions relishing the opportunity to learn more.

The day was a great success and will undoubtedly enrich our RS syllabus. 

Thank you very much to our tour guides and to all the custodians of the different religious buildings for their help and kindness throughout the day.



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