Prep Summer Fete 2024
Charity Prep

The success of our Prep Summer Fete is testament to the ingenuity, energy and teamwork of our pupils as they invent, build and run their own stalls to raise money for our school charity, Friend In Deed. A highlight of the year, it is an afternoon of pure fun and fundraising and not even the drizzly weather could dampen the spirits!

There were beauticians, tombolas, football challenges, lucky dip stands, Nerf gun target shooting stands, golf, slime making, a bean bag throw, book stands, throwing games, shoot the hoop, hook a duck, doughnuts on strings and sweet treats galore.

The undoubted highlights, though, were the bubble tea stand, the blindfold taste test, the self-built ‘Shootin Toot’n’ and ‘disk drop game’, made by Raef and Leo respectively, and the hugely popular soak the teacher stand which, unsurprisingly, enjoyed a brisk trade throughout the afternoon!

Well done to all of the children and huge thanks to all our families for their support with making the afternoon the incredible success it is.


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